HOW TO INSTALL DOWNLOADED 8394ei/8494 CONTROLLER SOFTWARE Downloading and installing new software for your I-O 8394ei or 8494 controller requires completion of four steps: 1. Download the desired zipped (self-extracting .exe) file from the I-O FTP site. 2. Create a diskette (1.44M) that is empty except for two hidden operating system files. 3. Unzip the downloaded file, and copy all of the resulting files to the new diskette. 4. Use the controller's configuration procedure to set up the new diskette with your controller's configuration parameters. Be sure that you download the correct software version for your particular controller. Consult I-O Support if you have any question about which version you need. The following sections give more details about completing steps (2), (3), and (4). CREATING A NEW CONTROLLER DISK You will need an old controller disk, and a new blank 1.44M disk. Follow these steps: 2.a Copy the old disk to the new disk. This can be done by using the DISKCOPY command on the command line, for example: >DISKCOPY A: A: (start with old disk in A:, replace with new disk when prompted) or, you can do the copy by using the Windows 'Copy Disk' utility (typically available from the File menu in My Computer). PLEASE NOTE: Copying the disk CANNOT be done by simply copying all the files from the old disk to the new (for example by using the Windows Explorer). The entire disk must be copied by one of the methods listed above. 2.b Delete all files from the new disk (however, see step 2.c below). From the command line, for example: A:\>DEL *.* Depending on which model controller you have, there may or may not be subdirectories in the disk's root directory. If there are subdirectories, delete them. For example, if your disk has an LSP subdirectory: A:\>DELTREE LSP If you prefer, you can use the Windows Explorer to delete the files and directories. 2.c Verify that two 'hidden' systems files (IBMBIO.SYS and IBMDOS.SYS) remain in the new disk's root directory. From the command line, for example: A:\>DIR /A:H IBMBIO.SYS IBMDOS.SYS Windows Explorer will show these files only if the folder options are set to show ALL files. The new diskette is now ready to have the downloaded files copied onto it. COPYING THE DOWNLOADED FILES TO THE NEW DISKETTE You can do this by having your new diskette in the drive when you unzip your downloaded file. Just specify the diskette as the destination for the unzip. If your downloaded file is named 49401AA2.exe for example, from the command line enter: C:\>49401AA2 A: If you wish, you can instead unzip to a directory on your hard drive and then copy the resulting files, including any subdirectories, to the diskette using Windows Explorer or a command line function, for example: C:\8494>XCOPY *.* A: /s However, be sure NOT to copy the original zipped file along with the unzipped files; it's not needed on the diskette, and in most cases the diskette will not have enough room for it. CONFIGURING THE NEW DISKETTE Before your controller can operate with your new diskette, the diskette will have to be configured by following the procedure described in your controller's User Guide. The important point here is that you normally CANNOT use the 'Copy Configuration' option of the controller configuration program to copy configuration data from your old diskette to the new one; this is because the controller configuration data files are not compatible from one version of controller software to another; you can use the 'Copy Configuration' option only if your new software is the same version as your old software. We recommend that when you have completed the above steps and have a diskette that is properly created and configured, you make and save one or more copies of the diskette. Use the Windows 'Copy Disk' utility, or the command line DISKCOPY command to make the copies, so that required operating system information will be included on the backup copies.