Special notes for the Patched Version of V245 for the 5435e/dp ============================================================== Due to an error in the original release of V2.45 firmware for the 5435e and the 5435dp, upgrading to future versions was made impossible. To correct this error, a patched version of V245 has been released. It is called Firm5e35.24p (found in the self-extracting file called Fte3524p.exe) for the 5435e, and Firm5d35.24p (found in the self-extracting file called Ftd3524p.exe) for the 5435dp. This patched version must be downloaded to the print server prior to upgrading the firmware to newer versions. Therefore, prior to upgrading the 5435e or 5435dp shipped with V245, either Firm5e35.24p (for the 5435e) or Firm5d35.24p (for the 5435dp) must be downloaded. Then you may upgrade your print server without any problems.