; PRAID Policies File Syntax Specification ; Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2005-2009 ; This file is meant to show the syntax of a PRAID policies file. ; The following rules apply to this syntax: ; -- { } indicates that one of the values separated by '|' should be chosen. ; -- + indicates that you may list one or more values separated by a comma. ; -- ( ) indicates an optional value. ; ; See the User Guide for more information on this syntax. ; The following files provide some working examples of policies files: ; -- template.ini - A complex policies file example. ; -- RAID1-5.ini - Configures RAID controllers using RAID-1 on first two drives and RAID-5 with remaining drives. ; -- RAID5HSP.ini - Configures RAID controllers using RAID-5 with a hot-spare drive. ; Comment line ; The policy name (Required) [Policy.name] ; Specify when to use this policy (Required) AppliesTo.1 = { m:mtype | s:serial | c:contn | t:ctype | d:drives }+ | ALL AppliesTo.2 = { m:mtype | s:serial | c:contn | t:ctype | d:drives }+ | ALL AppliesTo.3 = { m:mtype | s:serial | c:contn | t:ctype | d:drives }+ | ALL … ; Controller parameters (Advanced users) RebuildRate = { HIGH | MEDIUM | LOW } ReadAhead = { ADAPTIVE | ON | OFF } Init = { BUILD | QUICK } StripeSize = { 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096 } ; Array paramters Array_Mode = { AUTO | CUSTOM } Array_Defaults = variance:hotspares Array.A = { {chanbus:id}+ | {driveNum}+ } | ALL Array.B = { {chanbus:id}+ | {driveNum}+ } | ALL Array.C = { {chanbus:id}+ | {driveNum}+ } | ALL … Hotspares = { {chanbus:id}+ | {driveNum}+ } ; Logical-drive parameters Logical_Mode = { AUTO | CUSTOM } Logical_Defaults = size:raidlevel(:writecmode) Logical.1 = array:size:raidlevel(:writecmode) Logical.2 = array:size:raidlevel(:writecmode) Logical.3 = array:size:raidlevel(:writecmode) … [Policy.name] …